DFC Minister Can Act And Should Act On Punitive Debt Deductions

People Before Profit Cllr Shaun Harkin said,

“Cold nights are with us and that makes government cost of living crisis intervention all the more urgent.

“Pressure on the Tories to reverse budget handouts to the super-rich and on their DUP allies to end its selfish boycott of Stormont must increase – but others with the ability to act must be challenged to do so.

“The call for the DfC Minister to suspend debt deductions has gained widespread support among anti-poverty campaigners and policy experts.

“Derry and Strabane District Council unanimously backed a People Before Profit motion calling for the Minister to suspend punitive debt deductions for people receiving Universal Credit and other benefits.

“This is an obvious way to help households, many of them working, struggling to feed their children and keep the heat on now.

“This is an action the Minister can take without a functioning Executive. However, correspondence from the Department to Derry and Strabane Council makes clear the DfC has no plans to act at present.

“This refutes claims by the Minister and Sinn Féin that they will take all possible action to protect people – especially in light of what the Tories and DUP are doing.

“Derry and Strabane Council has initiated an emergency hardship fund and other cost of living actions to assist households facing hardship. This should be the responsibility of central government.

“We shouldn’t have to wait for a winter tragedy for the DfC Minister and others with the means and resources to take urgent action. This is an emergency situation and emergency action is required.”

*DfC correspondence to DCSDC are below