Cllr Andrew Keegan issues DCC emergency procurement motion over illegal employment practices on DCC regeneration site
People Before Profit Dublin City Councillor Andrew Keegan has issued an emergency motion to get DCC management to act immediately to stop illegal employment practices on DCC state-sponsored projects.
The motion asks DCC management to no longer contract companies that engage in shady employment practices.
The motion was prompted by an issue that has been brought to the attention of Cllr Keegan on the regeneration project at St Mary’s near Gardiner Street in Dublin.
Cllr. Keegan has also written to housing manager Brenden Kenny to intervene in a dispute with construction workers on the St Marys regeneration project.
The builder Ganson and Cluid Housing who are overseeing this project dismissed workers on the site by text which is a contravention of employment practices for government projects.
The construction workers put in questions about pension payments and wanted to be employed directly. The builder’s response was to sack the workers.
Cllr. Keegan, as a construction worker, is disgusted that on DCC projects workers are treated so shabbily and has written to housing manager Brendan Kenny to intervene.
He said: “This situation clearly breaches employment practices where workers are getting sacked by text merely for looking to be employed directly. Workers have been complaining of very dodgy employment practices on the site such as not receiving payslips.
“I am calling on DCC to immediately investigate these complaints and to remove any contractor that implements these illegal practices from all state contracts and county or city council contracts.”