Permission was recently granted for the demolition of Galway city’s last remaining nightclub. In this context, People Before Profit Galway representative Adrian Curran says it is not good enough that the Draft City Development Plan contains nothing to save Galway’s nightlife.
Adrian Curran said:
“Over recent years we’ve seen the erosion of Galway’s nightlife, with nightclubs closing and not being replaced. This would be a shame anywhere but is especially concerning for Galway, with its reputation as a vibrant and cultural city.
“The City Council have shown practically no interest in reversing the shocking decline in venues and night time cultural outlets. The new Draft City Development Plan 2023-2029 contains one short paragraph on “Night-Time Economy” which contains no reference to the closures of nightclubs. It mentions an ambition of “Advancing and diversifying night-time entertainment, leisure and the creative offerings in the city” but gives absolutely no detail as to how the City Council intend to achieve this.
“People Before Profit will be making a submission to the public consultation on the Development Plan. We would encourage members of the public who want Galway’s nightlife to be saved to make their own submission also. Submissions can be made at until April 13th.
“Aside from better city planning, there are actions which central government should take. Ireland’s archaic licencing laws need to be reformed. Clubs and other venues close earlier in Ireland than anywhere else in Europe. Galleries, theatres and other cultural spaces should offer late-night openings to better accommodate working people. Later opening hours should be accompanied by increased pay for the staff and investment in late night public transport to allow workers and customers to get home safely.”