Campaign launched to save Shanganagh and Rathsallagh Youth Centre

Campaign launched to save Shanganagh and Rathsallagh Youth Centre

Youth workers in Shankill have recently learned that due to government cutbacks made by education minister Batt O’Keeffe, the Shanganagh and Rathsallagh Youth Centre soon faces closure.

The Youth Centre which is run from Shanganagh Park House serves the surrounding community and currently works with 150 children and teenagers from ages 11 to 18. The youth service provides a range of activities including art classes, adventure trips, sexual health lessons, a teenage club and other programmes that provide crucial support to the youth of the area.

A campaign has been started to save the Youth Centre and will its first meeting on Thursday 28th January at 7.30 in the Shangangh Park house. All residents and young people affected by the recent news are being asked to attend the meeting and register their support for the service.

Local People Before Profit Alliance Councillor. Hugh Lewis (pic above) said:

“The decision to axe the funding for the youth service is nothing short of social vandalism and will not be taken lightly by the community. We must ensure that we retain all existing services and call on the youth to voice their opposition to the minister’s proposal."

“Amenities and services such as the Ratsallagh and Shanganagh youth Centre are more important now than ever. Removing such a programme would have a devastating effect on Shankill and we will fight tooth and nail to ensure it remains in place, it is obvious we need more services for our youth not less.”