Building Workers: You Are Due A Pay Rise

Building Workers: You Are Due A Pay Rise

A Sectoral Employment Order for the construction industry was enacted on Thursday 19th October, raising minimum rates of pay for building workers.

New minimum rates of pay for building workers  as follows:

* New entrant workers get €13.77 per hour. There is no change as they get the same rate as before.

*Category I workers – general operatives: €17.04 per hour. This is a 10% rise

* Category 2 workers – skilled general operatives, advanced scaffolders, banks men;  steel fixers; crane operators and heavy plant operators:  €18.36. This is a 10% increase

* Craft workers – bricklayers, carpenters, glaziers, painters, plasters, tillers: €18,93. This is a 10% increase

The increases are to be welcomed, especially as many building workers have not seen a pay rise for a long time. But the discrimination against new entrants is wrong and follows a pattern set by state agencies.

These are minimum rates. Failure to meet new rates will lead to sanctions against an employer.

Those not receiving new rates should approach their employer through their union or by bonding together. They should avail of collective bargaining which is recognised by the Labour Court and allows workers to negotiate as a collective

This is an opportunity to build up the power of unity in their own workplaces.

People Before Profit will help any worker to get these rises by offering advice or by putting them in touch with a union. Text BUILDER to 0872839964