Oppose War And Welcome Refugees

People Before Profit regards the working people of all countries as our sisters and brothers and takes an internationalist perspective on global affairs.

We oppose imperialism and war. Both here and internationally we want spending on health, welfare and people’s needs – not guns and bombs.

The removal of dictators and vicious regimes is the task of the people of those countries, not Western intervention which makes matters worse.

We support the Palestinian struggle for liberation against Israeli occupation and oppression and back the international campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel.

We oppose the shocking Russian offensive against the people of Ukraine. We equally oppose the expansion of NATO and its imperialist endeavours across the world. We are opposed to PESCO and the development of an EU army.

People Before Profit welcomes and supports refugees fleeing hardship and war across the world. We are opposed to the Tory Government’s Hostile Environment policies, and Stormont’s implementation of them locally. If elected, our MLAs can be trusted to challenge such policies and to fight for equal access to voting, working, housing, and welfare rights for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, as well as equal access to services.